Friday, October 1, 2010

Index: Zejfart Petr

Petr Zejfart
Petr Zejfart (n. 1957 Praga). Ulterior absolvirii secţiei de flaut modern la Conservatorul şi la Academia din Praga, Petr Zejfart a concertat în toată Europa, în calitate de solist şi membru al unor orchestre de cameră. După ce s-a mutat în Italia, şi-a continuat studiile sub supravegherea lui Pedro Memelsdorf la Scuola di Musica Civica di Milano, apoi s-a perfecţionat cu ajutorul lui Kees Boeke şi Marijke Miessen. În prezent, concertează alături de grupul Musica Concertiva, pe care l-a fondat. A înregistrat trei CD-uri pentru Supraphon în aceeaşi formulă. Are la activ cooperări cu grupurile Il Giardino Armonico, Accademia Bizzantina, Europa Galante, La Venexiana şi Ansamblul Zefiro, susţinând concerte şi înregistrand pentru Teldec, Virgin şi CPO. Este interesat în mod special de repertoriul romantic al micilor grupuri instrumentale şi al orchestrelor de cameră, atât din punct de vedere didactic, cât şi concertistic. A predat muzică de cameră pentru instrumente de suflat la Camera Baroc a Conservatorului din Rovigo, între 1986 şi 1995, precum şi la Conservatorul din Parma, începând cu 1996.


Petr Zejfart (b. 1957 Prague). He qualified at the Conservatory and Academy of Fine Arts with a diploma in modern flute. After moving to Italy, he began studying the recorder, specialising in the field of Early Music.

He has worked with important Early music ensembles, such as Il Giardino Armonico, Europa Galante, Accademia Bizantina, Epoca Barocca, Ensemble Zefiro and La Venexiana. He has recorded for Supraphon, Teldec, Virgin, Arts and CPO.

Besides performing as a concert flutist, he also dedicates much of his time to training young musicians in solo, chamber and in particular orchestral performance, organising courses in the practical execution of Early music.

He teaches ensemble music for wind instruments at the "A. Boito" Conservatory in Parma. In 2006 he directed Requiem K.626 by W.A. Mozart, bringing together young musicians and singers from 4 European countries in Parma for the project.

In 2009, he founded the youth orchestra "ORCHESTRA POSTICUM IUVENTUTIS INTERNATIONALIS" based in the city of Oradea (RO) together with some Hungarian colleagues, who he regularly meets for study purposes and concert trips abroad.

In May 2010, in the prestigious Haydn Hall at the Esterházy Castle in Eisenstadt (A), he directed "The Haydn Progressive Orchestra" composed of students, soloists and choir from various European academies for the first Austrian rendition of the Oratory "Der Durchzug durchs Rote Meer" by J.N. Hummel.

Owing to a keen interest in the organological aspects of music, he has constructed, together with O. Lusetti and M. Barchi, several important keyboard instruments, including a positive organ, which is a copy of one by J.G. Naser (Fraustadt 1734) and a German harpsichord with two keyboards, which is a copy of one by Ch. Zell (Hamburg 1728), both used at concerts and recording sessions for some of the most renowned Early music groups. The Zell harpsichord was played at the official opening concert of "Musica e Poesia a San Maurizio" in Milan in 2006 by Gustav Leonhardt.
410477 Posticum, Oradea – str. Teiului 26.